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K.Lou - Klou Collection
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Look at it, find it and let it travel with you, with colorful and happy wings, when you are dull and sad.
You decide your future! You decide your path!
Create a new Angel... You!
K.Lou Collection

about the brand

K.Lou is a ready to wear luxury goods brand.
Focuses on bags with a personal artistic style.
Made in Cyprus and Greece, founded by Kristie Papadopoulou.

Kristie takes inspiration from wings, birds, people, feelings.
With an emphasis to uniqueness.
Leather and genuine materials from all over the world.
Handmade handbags made by women who do it with love and passion.
Each handbag is unique like our prints!

Like fairy tale but simple… for everyday and night.
You chose a bag that only you own, made especially for you!!!
We thank you.

Look at it, find it and let it travel with you, with colorful and happy wings…